
Google celebrates 12th birthday, doodle cake welcomes visitors on homepage

google birthday

google birthday

Google is 12 years old today. The search engine giant celebrates its 12th birthday and greets its visitors by a picture of a birthday cake that scribbles Google’s name on its face with a candle placed for the letter “L” of Google. The eye catching Google Doodle is designed by Wayne Theibaud reproduced with the permission of VAGA, Visual Artists and Galleries Association. Wayne, the 89-year old artist from Los Angles, is a famous artist who is associated with the pop art movement. His work includes paintings of many cakes, most painted in 1950s and 1960s.

Google acts fast in celebrating birthdays and anniversaries by way of an interactive doodle on its homepage. Google doodles are search engine’s unique way to celebrate special days. Google, a California based company was first incorporated as a privately held corporation on 27 September 1998. And in August 1998 the first such doodle appeared on its homepage when its founders Sergry Brin and Larry Page designed one for the festival celebrating Burning Man Festival.

Written by Swati Mahaseth

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